Home sales price? Inventory? Days on Market? What would you like to know about the real estate market? People believe there is a downturn coming, but what do the statistics say? How can real time data help us understand what is happening in the market? In our area there is mostly steady news with a few interesting differences that you can see below. It is clear that home prices are as high or higher than pre-recession levels, so the question is: will they go higher? Is now the best time to sell before a downturn? Look below and see for yourself. In addition, see the drastic upturn in homes for sale in Camarillo, Oxnard and Ventura. Are there enough buyers to support that many more homes on the market or will it stagnate causing prices to fall? If there is any specific data that you would like please ask me!
Ventura County Market Review
Camarillo Market Review
Oxnard Market Review
Ventura City Market Review
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